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Saab Global

GLSDB delivers on the needs of today

6 min read

在今天的现代战争中,装备精良的火炮的重要性已经发挥了作用. 敌方无人机正在将炮兵部署区域进一步推后,这意味着对射程更远的炮兵的需求增加了. 火炮的射程是高成本的驱动因素,在这个阶段,军队有很大的漏洞需要填补, cost effectiveness is key. GLSDB是目前射程与成本比最高的导弹系统. GLSDB具有150公里的射程,使军队能够以1米的精度打击高收益目标,深入敌方领土,成本低于所有其他系统.

Today’s ground forces are being exposed to threats from all directions. The need of weapons and ammunition that is versatile, 易于运输和灵活,以满足现代战争的多种需求正在增加. "Over 10 years ago, we put the Small Diameter Bomb (SDB), originally developed for fighter jets, to the test together with Boeing to adapt it for ground use, making it available for artillery," explains Morten Jensen, Marketing and Sales Director at Swedish defence contractor Saab. "Why? 因为我们看到需要一种远程和高精度的简化火炮解决方案,“地面发射的小直径炸弹(GLSDB)的射程可达150公里, 使其能被部署在远距离对抗敌方目标或部队. 低成本是由于集成了两种经过实战验证的系统:波音公司的小直径炸弹I和M26多管发射火箭系统(MLRS)火箭. 十大正规博彩网站评级已经为GLSDB开发了一种独立的发射器,可以使用20英寸的平板系统或集装箱解决方案安装在任何卡车上.

Interference-resistant, agile

With missiles fired from a greater distance, the risk of enemy detection and interference particularly increases. However, the GLSDB long-range precision bomb is highly engineered: "In all tests, as well as in actual use, it is first-class when it comes to susceptibility to interference," Mr Jensen explains. GLSDBs are a reliable resource on the battlefield. Innovative technology ensures that. By using the combat-proven SDB I, GLSDB可以提供一种独特的能力,其技术经过了美国的测试和验证.S. Air Force. These mechanisms, coupled with security protocols and advanced communications technology, ensure continuity of operations with GLSDBs, even in GPS-denied areas.

GLSDB on other launcher platforms

另外,有可能在多种发射平台上集成GLSDB. These includes HIMARS, M270 launchers and Chunmoo systems. These combination options not only conserve resources for armed forces, but also increase the capabilities of existing systems. In case of HIMARS and M270, GLSDB could work as an alternative for ammunition, 增加射程,降低被敌方反炮台或无人机瞄准的风险.


Flexible engagement

The GLSDB missile can perform target engagement from a 360-degree arc. 这意味着GLSDB可以机动到目标,而不需要从发射器到目标的直接弹道线. 它通过在远地点展开机翼,然后滑向其设定的目标,与发射方向相比,这个位置甚至可能在发射器的两侧或后面.

集成的高精度GPS系统由惯性导航系统支持,保证了必要的精度. Above all, while wind and weather influence the missile's course, the GPS navigation systems can correct this, ensuring maximum precision (less than 1 m). GLSDB通过从不同方位和角度交战的几枚导弹撞击同一目标的能力,具有更高的摧毁目标的概率. 这增加了敌人近距离支援武器系统试图保护其单位的困难. The SDB also comes in a version using a laser-based target seeker, this could also be used as a GLSDB configuration, 这将使移动目标交战,并进一步有助于精确瞄准.

Pushing back the enemy

尽管现代战争是在多个领域同时进行的, 地面进攻仍然特别有效,对战争的努力往往是决定性的. To best protect troops and civilians living in crisis areas, 把敌人和他们的基地尽可能地从前线击退是很重要的,同时要把附带伤害降到最低. Morten Jensen知道“精确制导导弹将在未来的任何反攻中发挥重要作用, 因为他们开辟了从远处打击高回报目标的可能性,随后迫使敌人将他们的部队和弹药库存移到更远的地方, 从而削弱了补给线和联合武装力量的作战能力."

Firepower is also crucial for ground combat. The ability to launch multiple missiles within a short period of time, to neutralise multiple targets with near-simultaneous effects, holds enormous potential. GLSDBs are not only accurate, 但它们也具有高冲击力,可以穿透洞穴或地下藏身地,因为武器配备了具有爆炸和破片效果的多用途弹头. 还有一种激光改型,特别适合与移动目标交战. 可编程冲击和延迟引信确保深穿透或甚至近距离射击.


Cost efficiency is becoming increasingly crucial

精确制导导弹最初被设计为空中发射的解决方案, 但现在越来越被认为是地面上的全能型人才. 这不是十大正规博彩网站评级第一次将现有系统用于其他领域, “因为我们在所有领域都处于有利地位, we can use synergies and apply existing knowledge to other areas. As part of our development work, we are always looking very closely at what is already available, 哪些是可以调整的,哪些是我们可以转移到新系统的成熟能力和技术," says Morten Jensen, Marketing and Sales Director at Saab.

In an uncertain world, 需要在几个重要领域内分配军事预算的地方使具有成本效益的替代方案更有意义. 诸如GLSDB这样的武器系统将因此在未来继续发展, as a wide range of applications play a key role in accomplishing missions. 像GLSDB这样的系统无疑是寻求经济实惠的武装部队最灵活、最有效的解决方案之一, high-precision, long-range solution.

Ground-Launched Small Diameter Bomb (GLSDB)

Ground-Launched long range fires capability

地面发射小直径炸弹(GLSDB)是一种为现代战场设计的高精度远程弹药. 这种解决方案可以从各种平台发射,并提供多种弹头. GLSDB brings a new dimension to the capabilities of the armed forces.

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